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instagram promotion

Instagram is literally a prodigal social platform that made a huge jump from the starting point when it was a trendy niche photo exchanging app mostly showing up with newcoming vintage photo filters. Foods, hipsters, urban shots and beautiful places of nature that's what Instagram was about those days. Today the platform has turned to a world's number one social media giant hence no promotion campaign would miss Instagram's advantage to increase visibility of any service, product, company or individual simply by placing advertising and running a promotion campaign while adhering to the current regulations and strategies. Well, YT-Viral is always happy to offer you the best instruments to boost your promotion efforts.

According to the official statistics, every minute 2 new competitors in your niche register on Instagram! And that' true for every niche! Relax, it's a joke, there's no such statistics but new microblogs nowadays get created way too often. These are individual pages or accounts of various companies. Sure not every blog gets to success on Instagram, but the competition in any niche on the platform got very serious in 2019. Old methods and strategies of promotion are not very efficient for they are known to too many until you are a media celebrity or a world-known brand.

Today you have to create a trendy comprehensive content that would be able to engage various kinds of Insta-users. It means posting great beautiful photos is already not enough to increase your followers, that ship sailed some time ago. This page is about how to promote and develop an account on Instagram to grow popular on this social platform.

Instagram promotion from the very start

What is fundamental about any blog on any platform is the idea. At this point, you have to be sure, why you would spend your time, efforts and resources.

  • It is your business or you run a project. In this case, it is going to be a representative point of sales, you must focus on the company's image.
  • You are a professional a specialist or an individual. Here the promotion strategy is going to be different from the previous one.
  • You just want to earn from the advertising contracts.

If your future blog matches one of the first two variants the way you should create your visuals and text content to post on your page and your target audience are quite clear from the very start. Here we pass most of the questions about options of creating content for the blog. If you're not sure yet what your page is going to be about, here is the list of the most demanding topics of everyone's interest on Instagram - feel free to choose from it:

  • Lifestyle. If you live an unordinary life, if something unusual you can show people on Instagram happens daily or even more often, if you own the skill to write about it with thrilling and humorous style - shoot series of your life, it's very likely that your blog will strike first thousands of fans very shortly.
  • Traveling. People love travel blogs, no matter if it is extreme travels, camping, hikers or just some beautiful places.
  • Moving to another country. There are always those who look for a way to move. Any tips and howtos will be welcome. The more useful you make a blog like this, the more popular it gets.
  • Wine, books, movies, series. All of those on a single account or you can pick one topic for your blog from this list.
  • Political and social news, problems and overviews. Human rights educational posts are welcome as well.
  • Gardening, landscaping, floristics.
  • Education. You can share your knowledge online. Any kind of science popularization or languages lessons is great.
  • Beauty and fashion. What Insta-people are really fond of is make-up lessons, beauty secrets, fashion looks.
  • Pets. This kind of Insta-bloggers usually uploads funny stories about their pets. You can add care tips and how-tos as well.
  • Cooking and proper nutrition. These kind are too many, but if you feel special and fine-educated about this topic, you can try it, but prepare for it won't be easy.
  • Fitness, yoga, losing weight. There are lots of sports, fitness and recreation blogs already, you will have to add much of lifestyle content to this type of blogging to succeed.

There are lots and lots more ideas to start and promote a blog on Instagram with - think over things that inspire you the most and write it down. Maybe you won't catch any idea right away, in this case, think over the most interesting things you wish to learn or just the things you like the most. No matter what you choose, you will have to test and practice on the first steps.

After that figure out what kind of people are going to read you, who are those of your future audience. Being aware of what is their age and where they live is not enough for now. People of the same niche can be completely different, so the content has to match the interest of the exact group you focus to promote your page for.

Before the promotion

It's much easier to complete your profile to start promotion and make it dressed for success if the blog's idea and the future audience are already clear to you. You are free to create a new account or to keep running the same one. The biggest thing you have to pay your attention to is your account's name has to match the name of your brand because generally people use the brand's name to search and find an official account on social media after the promotion shows up with first results. This name should short and catchy. If you start a point of sales, it's worth to call your blog with your company's or your niche's name. A personal account is better if you put your name on it. The name of a blog made for advertising has to match its topic as well.

Tips to create a good name for promotion on Instagram

Start editing your profile with tapping the button near your avatar.

  • You're allowed to use Latin characters. Underscores, numbers, and dots are allowed in the middle of the name.
  • Using the words "Like" and "Follow" is not allowed.
  • Mention your specialty in your name. It could be "photo" or "visage" or "fitness" etc.
  • You can use the domain name or the name of your company as your Instagram account name.
  • Adding a short catchy word related to your topic is good at creating your Insta-name for further promotion

Now, create and upload or change your current avatar. It has to match your niche, to reflect the idea of your blog and to be done according to the style of your further publications. The resolution and the quality of a picture used as an avatar have to meet the highest standards. The core function of an avatar is to make a first impression and today's world is all about the appearance, so don't miss the details.

Writing a description

It's time to speak about your Instagram profile's heading. It is the most important parts of making your page able to engage visitors. You have only 150 symbols to introduce yourself to the world and speak over what exactly can be found on this page. And last, but not the least - why it's worth for your visitor to stay and take a closer view on your blog. Usually, it gets filled with the following details:

  • A name of a company or an individual's name
  • A blog's brief description.
  • The company's best feature or a testimonial. For example "The LA's finest lounge".
  • Contacts. A must!
  • A link to the website.
  • Terms of service, seasonal discount offer, current sale, etc.

The handiest way to create it is to write it using a Notepad on your PC or Notes on iPhone. Copy and paste it after you're done. You can add an emoji to each of the items of your description - it is literally a big promotion detail because it highly attracts your visitors' attention.

These are the very basic steps of starting a promotion on Instagram. It may turn a complex and time-consuming process for the most of IG's beginners, so it's worth to some experienced freelance specialist or a company or team to avoid the basic baby mistakes and to score with better results on the start.